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GeraldWelcome to ThePayMePlan.com.  My name is Gerald Larue and I’m the President and Chief Investment Strategist of DEMOS Financial, LLC.  I’m also the author of The Pay Me Plan home study course. But most importantly, I’m an investor just like you.

I’m not some Ivy-League graduate that works in an ivory tower at a Wall Street investment bank.

I’m not some financial planner trying to peddle mutual funds.

And I’m definitely not some guru selling $5,000 seminars in a hotel ballroom (yep, I’ve paid for some of those damn things myself).

I’m just a regular, ordinary guy that dedicates a portion of his time to showing people how to put their money to work for them.


I’ve been an independent investor for over a decade, and during that period, I’ve honed and refined a very particular financial approach. My area of expertise is the field of active income investing, which is centered around the concept of creating investment cash flow during a person’s working years, in contrast to a person having to wait until retirement to enjoy their investment returns.

In all honesty, the term “active” is a bit of a mischaracterization because the approach is generally very passive in nature, often requiring only a few hours a month once the investment architecture and systems are in place. However, I refer to the approach as “active” because as I referenced above, the investment results that are generated are formed during the active, working years of a person’s life. This is about creating “portfolio paychecks” that you can start enjoying within the next 12-24 months, not decades down the road.

It goes without saying that this investment philosophy differs greatly from a lot of the mainstream financial advice out there that’s promoted to the general public. As I see it, your financial planner’s job is to ensure you retire with dignity and have ample insurance and cash reserves so that your golden years are a little more golden. And it’s the job of authors like Suze Orman and Dave Ramsey to get the financial basics of your life on track (e.g., pay off your credit card, contribute to a 401(k) plan, and get some money set aside for college tuition).

Honestly, those are all respectable pursuits and there’s definitely value to be derived from those sources. However, it’s worth pointing out that there are some major distinguishing characteristics between what I do and what the financial community at large does:

  • DIFFERENCE 1 – I invest in the full array of investable cohorts, not just the stock market. My approach and philosophy taps into a wide variety of asset classes to provide investment income.
  • DIFFERENCE 2 – As I mentioned earlier, I focus on generating investment income during a person’s active, working years. This is in contrast to waiting until the retirement stage of a person’s life to begin harvesting investment returns. We’re after current income that we can choose to spend or save in the near term.
  • DIFFERENCE 3 – The vast majority of the techniques and strategies I use are income oriented. I don’t wait around hoping that my investments go up in value (capital gains). Rather, my plan is to extract steady income from my investments so I’m not reliant on their market value.
  • DIFFERENCE 4 – I oversee my own portfolio and teach others to do the same. It’s relatively easy to do once you have the framework in place, and it only requires a few hours a month of your time to properly manage. No one cares about your money like you do. Stop blindly turning your money over to someone else. What if they’re a crook? What if they’re an idiot? It happens.

Are you starting to see the difference? This is not your typical, recycled material on dumping money into mutual funds and praying they go up in price.

My focus as an investment coach is helping entry-level and mid-level investors develop and implement strategies for creating investment income and putting money to work. I’ve created systems, models, courses, and training programs around that exact concept. Moreover, I actively practice and execute everything I teach my clients and members.

Here’s a bit about my personal story and how this all came to be…


The cop tapped on my window with his flashlight.

“How much have you had to drink, son?” the officer asked in an authoritative tone.

I gazed back with a perplexed and exhausted expression.

“Nothing, sir”, I sighed in response, “I’m just trying to get some sleep.”

He frowned, clearly disappointed.

“Well you can’t sleep in your car around here. Move along.”

That was me in my early 20s. I was working short shifts at a minimum-wage job, I was deeply in debt, I had $18 to my name, I was stealing food from the lunchroom at work to survive, and I was living in my Honda Civic (aka Civic Estates Resort and Spa).  Not fun.  It was humiliating and demoralizing – a real low point.   

civic estates

But those challenging times served as a turning point in my life. Once I got through that phase, I swore that I would NEVER be in that position again.  I was tired of my checkbook running my life and I was ready to make some serious changes.  

It was around that time that I embarked on a life-altering financial journey. My purpose was simple: investigate, research, and analyze the financial strategies of highly accomplished investors; and then seek out ways to duplicate their results.  I wanted to learn how to get money working for me.

And with that goal in mind, I began dissecting the world of finance: numerous seminars and conferences, countless books, high-priced advisory services, premium newsletters, interviews, audio programs, and much more. I did it all.  The investigation went on for years and racked up tens of thousands of dollars in research expenses.  But it was all worth it.

Once the dust had settled, I’d refined the research results into a unique investment model that was backed by income-generating strategies used by some of the most accomplished capitalists in the financial world.  It was exciting to say the least.

Shortly after condensing the conclusive findings into a simple and digestible format, I started applying the strategies to my own portfolio. 

Steadily and over time, my monthly investment income began to grow.  $148 a month… $212 a month… $338 a month… $427 a month.  When the income from my portfolio surpassed $500 a month for the first time, I was convinced that I was on to something.  The approach worked and it worked well.  I was producing real results and real cash flow.  In that moment, I knew it was actually possible to supplement (or even replace) a “working paycheck” with a “portfolio paycheck”; and you didn’t have to wait until you were 65 years old to do it. 


In late 2008 during a particularly brutal period for the financial markets, I began receiving requests from friends and coworkers to educate them on how I was able to consistently generate my “portfolio paychecks” despite the recent news headlines. I initially declined their invitations.  At the time, I was already WAY too busy with my own projects. But they kept bugging me, so I eventually agreed (okay, I was bribed with a vanilla latte).

Within a few days, the Starbucks near my office became my investment coaching headquarters. In the evenings over coffee and pastries, I would share my investment philosophy, financial approaches, analysis methods, and income strategies for generating reliable cash flow.  People loved it.


While my friends and colleagues certainly appreciated my assistance, and as much as I enjoyed providing it, the problem was that my coaching efforts were limited to my schedule availability; I could only help a certain number of people per day.  My calendar was proving to be a formidable adversary.   

But by that point, my investment coaching had evolved from an evening routine at the local coffee shop into a genuine passion.  In helping so many people, I was determined to find a way to assist even LARGER numbers of people (while substantially reducing my daily latte intake).

It was around that time that I began compressing and refining my years of coaching, research, and investing experience into a comprehensive system.  And that comprehensive system eventually evolved into The Pay Me Plan home study course and DemosFinancial.com – my online investment coaching and training service. 

Through those two platforms, I’m now able to educate and guide large numbers of investors through the process of putting their money to work for them.